On-site workplace vaccinations: Benefits for you and your team
Workplace flu vaccinations for groups of 6 or more are now available to offices in the Brisbane CBD, yes, we’ll come to you. To book a workplace group vaccination call (07) 3229 9209
Flu or Influenza is an expensive productivity killer at the workplace, costing about 7 $ billion in loss of wage and presenteeism in Australia alone. A healthy workforce is not only beneficial for the employer but also a great contributor to the nation’s economy, saving billions worth of work due to a healthier workforce.
Influenza is still one of the most prominent reasons for the Australian workforce not being able to attend their work. Unlike cold, flu is more contagious and can stay longer than a week, sometimes leaving people to suffer from fatigue and tiredness due to flu which can last a few weeks.
This brings the necessity for employers to organise a flu vaccination program for their employee’s health and wellbeing and the best way to do it is to organise it onsite.
The benefits of on-site workplace flu vaccinations
- Onsite vaccination programs are cost-effective for businesses. A vaccinated workforce is less likely to fall sick and stops the spread of flu at work.
- This significantly reduces absenteeism and sick leaves, benefiting a wide range of business sizes and types. A vaccine program at the workplace can also reduce and prevent the risks of other occupational health and safety disasters.
- An onsite vaccine program can reduce absentees as this would save time for the employees and the employers to get vaccinated outside work premises.
- This improves the overall health of the workforce and enhances team spirit.
We can help organise an onsite vaccination program for your employees
At our Brisbane City clinic, we have mastered our program of offering onsite vaccinations across a wide range of industries in the city. We have a dedicated team of doctors and registered nurses who have been planning, organising, and hosting corporate vaccination program for many years.
We have prepared an easy 5 step check-list for employers to help them plan a program for their employees.
- Focus on forming a team including a team leader, with the involvement of senior management and representation of someone from each department of your organisation.
- Organise a meeting with your preferred provider and discuss details. At Market Street, we can provide expertise in conducting a successful vaccination program.
- Try scheduling the program for maximum employee participation and before the flu seasons.
- Give attention to guidelines set by the Australian government for the best practices.
- Explain the benefits of workplace vaccination to your employees and encourage for wider participation and how impactful it is for the business.
We believe this program is an investment for your organisation. Apart from being an excellent work health practice, it protects productivity and focuses on the well-being of your valued workforce.
To discuss in more detail contact our team today.
To book a workplace group vaccination call (07) 3229 9209